Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Lilis (pronoun), (noun), (adj), (adv)

Euro Trip...

Sayang si pemain drama ada di depan kami, jadi tidak masuk foto XD
Film yang menceritakan sekumpulan sahabat yang memulai perjalanan bersama melewati suka duka bersama hingga menemukan makna persahabatan sesungguhnya. Meski perjalanan kami Juni kemarin bukan melintasi negara-negara Eropa, kami berempat cewek rumpik datang dengan satu tujuan yaitu menyemarakkan ulang tahun sahabat kami dengan cara yang sedikit berbeda.

Di awali dengan kejutan-kejutan kecil kemudian malamnya, kami memulai perjalanan menuju Jakarta, singgah sebentar di hotel dengan drama para supir taksi yang enggan mengantar kami ke Ancol, hingga drama lainnya antara seorang perempuan dengan oppa (*baca oppa dalam bahasa Indonesia, atau bisa dibilang lelaki paruh baya Korea yang tinggal di Indonesia) Korea, dan akhirnya kami sampai di pulau Ayer, resort private yang menurut saya enggak murah tapi tempatnya sooo unique. 

Pulau Ayer Fina, Nurul, LILIS, mbak Nining (kiri ke kanan)
Tapi, siapa perempuan di balik judul tadi? Dialah seorang spesial yang membuat kami datang dengan terpogoh-pogoh dari Semarang menggunakan kereta, drama dengan supir taksi, melihat drama Internasional antara Indonesia dan Korea, dan menginap di resort yang tidak jauh dari Jakarta tapi berhasil membuat kami para ladies syahdu ternganga di depan sunset dan indahnya lampu-lampu kapal.

Lilis (pronoun), seorang traveller yang sangat mencintai keindahan Indonesia, pekerja keras, mandiri, dan pribadi yang seru. Saking cintanya dengan Indonesia, saat berkunjung ke pameran travel agencies dan diberi booklet perjalanan yang mayoritas ke luar negri, ia bertanya "loh.... yang domestik mana?". Anda bisa lihat keindahan Indonesia mana saja yang ia ceritakan dalam blognya di sini.

Lilis in Rinca Island, Flores
Lilis (Noun), ia adalah objek foto saya yang abadi. Kecintaan saya terhadap keindahan terkadang kurang lengkap tanpa hadirnya objek hidup. Dalam beberapa foto saya, keindahan alam atau objek lain terlihat "mati" tanpanya in frame.

Lilis (adj) spontaneous, cheerful, high-class humorous, smart, social media freak.

Lilis (adv) mlastar, kata ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan sifatnya yang rela mengeluarkan biaya lebih besar agar apa yang dia lakukan tidak begitu merepotkan, baik keseharian atau saat bepergian.

Such wonderful time to spend this couple years with you, it will never be the same with you. keep fab and stunning Lilis yang menyukai pohon kelapa!

My Fav Pic, with her

Your deep thinker friend.

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Grand Jimbaran Bali Moon Spa

- Grand Jimbaran Bali Moon Spa, 2 May of 2015 -
"You can choose what type of spa you want", said my friend.
Just second after that, " I will go as the one you goes, I know nothing about spa".

Getting spa in Grand Jimbaran Moon Spa was my first place to experience spa especially in Bali. I went to cheap place for message and wasted money on the oil that was worth most. Thus, compare to the previous one, it served me better. 

Open to 10 P.M, we got there around 8 P.M, welcomed by the host and served with welcome drinks. Soon, we were asked for the service we wished for, and my friend chose deep shiatsu ensuring ourselves that we need more than just normal spa treatment particularly in Bali where those aromatic herbs came from.  

Grand Jimbaran Bali Moon Spa Room

Calming music and atmosphere of the treatment room were such good things from this. Started with putting on comfortable clothes prepared by the Moon Spa, the practitioner washed my feet with warm and typical spa flower and minerals to clean and get my feet relaxed. After that, the treatment was done for about 1.5 hours. during the treatment, I should admitted that I screamed sometimes since it is Shiatsu! some of people know this Shiatsu Spa already guessed how it was for newbie in spa like me. 

Lack of time in the tub with water, without water was also pleasing! LOL

Grand Jimbaran Bali Moon Spa serves such nice bathtub to wash your body if you want but it was almost the closing time, so we skipped that and changed clothes to get ready back to hotel. As part of their last services, they gave us such calming aromatic feet oil spray and warm light ginger drinks. On top of that, they also asked for anything to complain or to suggest.

If you are around, spare some times, or booked the package of Bali Activities Seawalker, you can get the package together with Grand Jimbaran Bali Moon Spa, especially to book the room on the rooftop for such beautiful scenery of Bali.

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2015

Best Bali Seawalker tour: When Travelling Goes Wrong, It Makes You Go RIGHT!

“Travelling is about following your passion”

My second travel in Bali should be better than the first, yet everything seemed impossible. Started from airport I was going to fly to Bali, my travel mate and I trapped in long crowded road to airport. Arrived in airport, the plane was delayed for 2 hours for the reason even they did not explain convincingly. Fortunately, we spent some hours sleeping before getting ready for next day activities. We were so enthusiastic to wait for every morning in Bali and we kept strong to continue the day after the exhausting travel to get to Bali. Instead of only hopping to one beach to another, going to clubs or common things we actually can do in city or place nearby our city, we were looking forward for our first Bali Seawalker tour experience!

I was so nervous to get down from the car and finally changed into my swimming suit. However, I forgot for seconds when the Bali Seawalker's staff guided us to wear the shoes and watched us the video of how handling some situations in the water. Drink and towel in arms, we were escorted to the fast boat for taking us into main spot ship for the our first Bali seawalker tour. So thoughtful of them to cheer us up, I was able to calm down.

Soon, getting ready with helmet wearing, checking the ear pressure, they guided us down the stairs and.......whoop!!!! I was in the 5 meters deep down the sea, among those amazing fish. Walking by hand with some professionals, I experienced feeding fish with my own hand in the sea! Well, not on the sea but in! I was not snorkeling as I usually do. This experience had not stopped amaze me, when we seeing more various fish, corals, anemone which I cannot face or touch as I did when I snorkeled. After about 30 minutes walking here and there, feeding the fish, and taking picture, we were practicing jumping for preparation walking up the stairs, such fun things to do underwater for sure.

Hello Fish! 

Fulfilled with happiness and smiles, we got back by the fast boat and changed our swimming suits. While them copying our sea walking photos, we were able to enjoy our free meals by talking about what we saw and felt during this new experience. Feeling so comfortable with the place, we cancelled our visit to other beaches and decided to enjoy some more hours there. We went to the beach side, ordered some beverages, and lay down on..., well I don’t know but it seems like “queen lazy bed” for me.

Such awesome view that made us stayed longer

 Queen Lazy Bed

 I was satisfied and happy with our choice on Bali seawalker tour in our holiday after that long and exhausting travel to go to Bali. Here, we were able to experience the best Bali Seawalker tour without disappointment. Instead of only seawalker tour, they also have other fun activities such as parasailing, yet travelling is about passion and we preferred to enjoy our afternoon along the beach, moreover thanks God it is sea walking so our pictures showed our face without any distraction such as goggle or tube. We were able to show our face in make up! Oh yes, don’t forget its girls’ stuff. 

Smiles couldn't get rid of our faces!

Coming too often to Bali, to beaches but love water too much? Anything else you can do to enjoy sea in Bali? Yes! It is Bali Seawalker activity!